KUSHIDO Karate-Do classes are made up of energetic karate exercises, designed to challenge you physically and mentally. Karate develops fitness and strength, discipline and control, in a fun and engaging way.

Who is it for?

Karate-do is for those who are looking for a physically taxing exercise form that will teach elements of self defense and sparring, but in a controlled way that is safe for both men and women.

What do you get?

Karate-do classes are made up of a large variety of exercises that will teach you speed, reaction, technique, spirit and awareness.

You will get fitter, stronger, more toned, more supple, more disciplined and more mentally focused while learning a traditional martial art.

What is Karate-do?

Karate-do is a system of karate that, like many true martial arts, takes the student on a journey of self discovery.

The ‘do’ part of karate-do means that it is more than just a physical art. It is an art form that you can practise your whole life long and still find there is always so much more to learn.

Unlike many competitive styles, your peak in karate-do is not reached at the same time as your physical prime. You continue to learn and improve and your karate becomes more effective.

KUSHIDO Karate-do is the oldest karate system in cape Town (started in 1963).